Friday, 3 June 2011

Project 2 'Geek Club'

In a previous entry I spoke of Geek Club. For the 2nd challenge I looked to a book called Pattern Magic for some inspiration.
My geeks had to create a full skirt and cut a small hole to which a fabric made tube was placed inside & pinned. New design lines were drawn on  the toile using the hole as a focal point. The lines needed to radiate out from the tube. Scissors were taken to the new design lines cutting the toile up and patterns were taken from this.  
Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to get photos of both skirts on stands, so the best I could do is take a photo of a photo.  No time was wasted with the photo shoot for these skirts and the results are amazing. This was a really strong portfolio piece & the quality of the skirt was top notch. My geeks rose to the challenge.

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